Mr. Christopher Palmerini » About Music Class

About Music Class

I teach all classes, pre-K thru 8th grade. We do a lot of music theory which includes learning to read music, note values and musical terms. We learn to sing all styles of music, we start with mass songs, patriotic songs, the school song, pop tunes, classic rock and roll and gospel to name a few. We also learn to write music and lyrics or put our lyrics to existing tunes. In the past, 6th grade helped write the lyrics to the school song which is still sung today! Because I'm involved with the school play, I also do short plays in class, this way students can see if they might be interested in acting in the school play. Starting in November we start practicing for the Christmas pageant for classes pre-K thru 5th. Other class activities include musician biographies, making our own commercials, music games, square dancing, musical trivia and karaoke! Music is such an important part of everyone's life, it can lead you places, open memories, make you happy and make you dance. I try to make all classes interesting and fun at he same time.