School Advisory Board 2023-2024
The School Advisory Board (SAB), of Academy of Our Lady, provides advice to the school administration and parish pastors on the operations and needs of the school. The SAB supports the school administration as they strive to enhance and sustain enrollment with the objective of continued academic excellence and financial security. The SAB is comprised of our Principal, Parish Pastors, community and parent volunteers.
The SAB functions in four main areas, each chaired by a board member:
1) Strategic Planning
2) Facilities
3) Finance
4) Marketing and Development
The SAB meets five times during the school year.
There is always a need for additional expertise and help to support the work of SAB committees and our wonderful faculty and staff. Any community member can be part of one of the committees; you do not need to be a SAB Board Member. Perhaps you have a gift in one of the areas listed above. If you do and could offer help, we would love to hear from you. Email Ms. Clemente and share with us what your expertise and interest.
2023-2024 School Advisory Board Members
Principal - Ms. Katharine Clemente
Our Lady of Mount Carmel - Msgr. Ron Rozniak, Pastor
St. Catharine Church - Father Dominick Lenoci, Pastor
Board Members:
Mary Allison
Anthony De Nova
Joe DeBarbrie
Kristi DiLisi-DaSilva
Carol LaSalle
Carmine Meluccio
Tina Mergola - HSA President
Denise Monesteri
Neil O’Halloran - Fathers Guild President
Joe Roman