Annual Appeal 2024-2025
Family and friends of Academy of Our Lady are asked to consider a gift to AoOL's Annual Appeal. We hope you will keep the Academy among your philanthropic priorities and make a tax-deductible gift.
You may make an online donation via this link:
Please mail your check to:
Academy of Our Lady
180 Rodney Street
Glen Rock, NJ 07452
Use the link for on line donations or scan here:
Your generosity to our school provides much-needed funding for educational and enrichment activities of the students in Pre-Kindergarten through 8th Grade.

We appreciate your generosity!
Not sure Catholic schools make a difference? See national articles below
The Nation's Report Card Shows Catholic Schools Excelling Post- Pandemic
The National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP), a biennial report of the U.S. Department of Education, notes Catholic schools outperforming public school counterparts in almost all categories.
Amid the Pandemic, Progress in Catholic Schools
"Today, the divergence between Catholic schools and public ones is so great that if all U.S. Catholic schools were to state, their 1.6 million students would rank first in the nation across the NAEP reading and math tests for fourth and eight graders".
Amid the Pandemic, Progress in Catholic Schools
Wall Street Journal
by Kathleen Porter-Magee, Oct 27, 2022
See below for PDF of complete article or follow this link:

Thank you for helping Academy of Our Lady.