Student Guidelines and Responsibilities


All students automatically begin each marking period with an "A+" (100) grade in homework and class participation. Students lose homework points for missed homework and class participation points for not adhering to the following responsibilities:
1. Class participation includes preparedness and the willingness to contribute to discussions.  Student's questions and commentary should reflect that he/she has read the material assigned for each class session, which may include the science textbook pages, religion workbook pages, Bible passages, the assigned novel, or other supplemental materials handed out in class.  All students are expected to contribute serious and thoughtful comments and questions during classroom discussions. 
2. Punctuality Counts!  Students are expected to arrive to class on time and are to be seated immediately, ready to work.
3. Students are to always come prepared to class with working pens, notebook, folder and textbook.  Students will not be allowed to leave the classroom unless permission is granted by the teacher. 
4. Students must follow directions the first time and pay attention!!!
5. Students are required to raise their hands for all answers and questions.  Do NOT shout out answers and questions.  No excessive talking is allowed!
6. Students are required to respect each other's point of view, personal space, and belongings.  Respectful and intelligent class participation is expected.  Students are absolutely forbidden to react disrespectfully to anyone.   
7. Science projects, religion projects, and written prayer expressions are due on time.  Students will be required to follow detailed rubrics for some of the group projects.  Most assignments are to be typed (double spaced, 12 point font), and handed in on or before the due date.  Some prayer expressions may be written neatly using a ballpoint black or blue pen.  
8. Students are required to adhere to the code of conduct as set out in Academy of Our Lady’s Parent/Student Handbook 2023-2024.
9. In religion class, Sacred Scripture must be read with reverence and reflected prayerfully upon by all students.
10. Students who are absent from class must take responsibility for finding out what they’ve missed and make it up within a reasonable specified time set by Mrs. Treuer, or a grade of ZERO will be entered into PowerSchool for all missed assignments.
11. Students are expected to ALWAYS write their first and last name on all papers/projects.  If a paper/project is handed in without a name, the amount of FIVE (5) points will be deducted from the student’s score on said unidentified assignment, test, or project. 

Homework Policies

1. Science and religion homework is to be treated seriously.  Intelligent discussion cannot take place in class if students have not read the required assignment before class.  Therefore homework and class participation are combined to form 20% of the trimester grade.  Homework includes both reading assignments and written assignments.  Late homework will result in the deduction of 5 points, per assignment.  Each student will begin each trimester with a 100 A+ grade for homework/participation.  For example:  A student who fails to complete 5 homework assignments in one trimester in science or religion class will lose a total of 25 points from his/her starting grade of 100 A+.  The student will then earn a 75 for the homework/class participation portion of his/her grade.  The 75 will then be averaged into the student's final grade for that trimester.  Late graded assignments, such as projects or prayer expressions will also be penalized five (5) points for each day that the assignment is late.  Late assignments will not be accepted after the fourth school day and will result in a ZERO which will be entered into PowerSchool.

2. Although the weekly homework assignments can be ascertained from my Google Classroom, all students are still responsible to write the assigned homework down in his/her planner.  Whenever there is a discrepancy between the verbal or written instructions regarding assignments given in class versus the Google Classroom instructions, the in-class instructions shall prevail.


Unacceptable behavior will result in the following consequences: 

  1. Verbal warning.  2. An email and/or telephone call to parent/guardian together with a warning/deficiency notice.  Possible loss of recess privileges.  3. Detention and referral to the principal, and/or other disciplinary action in accordance with the Academy of Our Lady School Parent/Student Handbook 2023 - 2024.
Now Featuring Bulletin Board 
"Now Featuring" Bulletin Board - A way for students in my homeroom to SHINE!  Approximately every ten school days, one student will be selected from 8T to be featured on our special "Now Featuring" Bulletin Board.  The featured student will be asked to bring in photos, certificates, paper awards, drawings, and/or artwork of which he/she is proud.  During one of our homeroom periods, (in the morning or prior to dismissal) the "featured" student will share about the items displayed.  All display items and copies will be returned to the student after the ten day period.  Items must be appropriate, respectful, and positive.  
Parent/Teacher Communication - The very best way to communicate in our 21st century is via email.  You can reach me at [email protected].  I will do my very best to reply within 24 hours of receipt.  Please do not expect a response on weekends or holidays.  