Daily Homework Procedure

1.  Homework will be given Monday through Thursday each week.  Please check your child's planner every day for daily assignments.  The planner must come to school each day so we can enter daily assignments. It will remain in school on Friday because no homework will be assigned over the weekend.
2.  After your child completes their homework, check the planner to make sure they have completed all the given assignments.  Please put your initials at the end of the row to let me know that you have checked to make sure the  homework was completed and done neatly.  You DO NOT have to sign or initial each homework page in the notebooks or workbooks. 
3.  Please do not correct or change any answers on your child's homework. I need to track their daily progress to see if they have understood the concepts we are learning, or if they need more instruction.
4.  When doing math homework, the students are not permitted to use calculators or later on...a multiplication chart to look up the answers.  I recommend using scrap paper if needed, even when completing IXL, so they learn how to think and work out an unfamiliar problem.
5.  All daily homework is due the next day unless another date is written in the planner.  Missed homework assignments will be reflected in your child's PowerSchool grade.
6.  We will use our IXL program for homework assignments in Math, L. Arts, Social Studies, and Science.  Please be sure your child signs in using their given username/password. Also make sure they are doing the 3rd grade skills assigned.  Please check to make sure they have the correct category, skill name, and skill number before they begin their IXL homework.  Assigned IXL homework is due the next day.
7.  Please let me know if your child was sick the night before or could not complete their homework due to a family emergency.  Missed homework due to activities such as team games/practices, music/dance lessons, etc. is not a valid reason for missed homework. The students need to learn to be responsible while balancing their time with outside activities.
homework pencil