Mrs. Anne Marie Leonard » About Spanish

About Spanish

      I am looking forward to a wonderful and exciting academic year! I will meet with all classes from Pre-K through 8th grade on a rotating/immersion basis.  Students in grades K-8 will learn the Hail Mary in Spanish and they should know it well by Christmas!  In addition, the students in grades 5 through 8 will learn the Our Father. We will begin with review lessons for the 5th through 8th grades, and the 4th grade will learn how to greet people and use terms of courtesy-a great way to begin conversations! We will move on to common vocabulary and expressions.  The students will then have the opportunity to use what they have learned in simple dialogues and realistic situations.  We will also explore Spanish and Spanish American culture.

     Whenever possible, I will integrate the lesson with other subjects, especially in 6th grade as the students work on their country reports.  Other topics on which we will collaborate include weather, religion and verb conjugations.

     In grades 4-8, there will be frequent homework assignments and vocabulary quizzes, as well as a test after every chapter.  We will also have several reports and/or projects throughout the year. 

    We will participate in various service learning projects throughout the year in conjunction with the rest of the school and the specific grade levels.  As always, I will infuse all the lessons with the "Good News" and keep Christ in my classroom as the real teacher.  "Muchas gracias" for your commitment to Catholic education and for taking the time to visit this web page. It is my sincere hope that I will be able to walk with my students on their faith journey and together, we will become the people God meant us to be!